Monday, March 9, 2015

Week 30

Hi Everyone!
Whew. First things first- it took us almost an hour to find a place to write this week! Apparently a light pole fell somewhere in our area on Saturday and knocked out the power for the entire area. So instead of having power sometimes we had it never for the past few days. The only hard part was trying to sleep without a fan because it was so hot! But I guess they still haven´t fixed it yet because we had to walk forever to find a place that had power!
But as for transfers- I´m staying one more here!! We are so pumped to be together one more transfer!! We have two baptisms set with a possible 3 more one of them being a family! I don´t know how many of those are actually going to go through but I´m just happy to stay with the people here! Also get this, this Sunday we are going to have a special visitor at our stake conference. JEFFERY R HOLLAND IS COMING TO OUR STAKE CONFERENCE!!! I am beyond pumped for that too!! So all in all I am pretty satisfied with how transfers went.
As for my birthday we celebrated that night but it was kinda a rough day to be honest! We had a temple trip planned with an investigator family and a member and the family bailed AGAIN. So that was rough but we kept busy, and like usual when you are feeling down if  you work through it the Lord will make it up to you. We were teaching a lady named Francia who has been a catholic her whole life out of tradition but is really interested in our message. We had taught her a few times and asked her to pray about the Book of Mormon but she always says she hasn´t gotten an answer yet. Some things happened so we had about a two week interval in between our lessons and we came back and she said that she felt like our church was close, but the catholic church was true. I know that there is no way that if she actually read and prayed about the Book of Mormon she could feel that way so I asked her and sure enough, she hadn´t read it. So we read a little bit together focusing on Moroni 10:3 and 4. We talked a lot about her prayers and how she needs to do her part. Basically we gently said you need to read the dang book and pray. We talked with her about prayer and then just addressed different questions she had. We gave her a chapter to read and she looked at the book for a long time, and looked back up with us and said through tears that she knows this is the Church of Jesus Christ. She said she is still going to pray for a confirmation, but she feels like what we were teaching is true. I wanted to jump up and give her a high five but we were both almost in tears and that would have ruined the spirit so instead we just bore our testimonies and kept the spirit strong. She said she is really excited to come and hear an apostle speak this Sunday too. So basically we have Jeffery R Holland as a backup plan. But that was one of the great things that happened this week! Sorry for the long email!

Elder Harsh
Some of the houses in the area

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